Car Loan Calicut

How Much Salary or Income Required Getting Car loans in Calicut

  • Minimum 15000 per month income required for getting loans from bank to purchase a dream car in Calicut.

Documents you will need to submit for Apply Car loan in Calicut:

·         Proof of Identity: Passport copy, PAN Card, Voters Id card, driving licence( Laminated, Recent, Legible)

·         Income Proof: Latest salary slip with form 16 / Audited balance sheet, Profit & Loss Account for latest two years/ Have a minimum turnover of Rs. 4,50,000 per annum / Audited balance sheet, Profit & Loss Account for latest two years and the latest 2 years IT returns of the company / Latest ITR

·         Address Proof: Ration card/Driving licence/Voters card/passport copy/telephone bill/ electricity bill/Life insurance policy PAN Card.

·         Bank Statement: Last 6 months


Apply for Best Car Loan Calicut

Professional Details
Loan Amount:
Annual Income:
Banks/Rates HDFC Bank Kotak Axis Bank State Bank of India (SBI)
New Car Loan
9.45% - 12.50% 11.50% - 13.50% 9.40% - 12.00% 9.45%( for WOMEN) 9.50%( for Others)
Processing Fee Up to 2.5 Lakhs: Rs. 3220/-, (Above 2.5 Lac, Rs.4390/- to Rs.5870/-) Rs.3300/- to Rs.4750/- Rs.3500/- to Rs.5500/- Nil

Major Banks Address for Applying car loans in Calicut:

  1. IDBI Bank - Kozhikode - Address: City Plaza, YMCA Cross Rd, Vellayil, Calicut, Kerala 673001
  2. Corporation Bank - Cherooty Rd, Calicut, Kerala
  3. ICICI Bank - Address: 6/975, Ground floor, Shafeer Complex, Kannur Rd, Kerala 673001
  4. HDFC Bank - Address: Simax Tower, Kannur Rd, West Nadakkave, Calicut, Kerala 673011
  5. Indian Overseas Bank - Address: Mavoor Rd, Calicut, Kerala
  6. Axis Bank Ltd - Address: Karupalli Arcade, Ymca Cross Road, Calicut, Kerala 673001, Phone:1800 209 5577
  7. South Indian Bank - Address: MM Ali Rd, Calicut, Kerala