Home Loan Balance Transfer Calculator
How much Home loan you had taken
For how many years Home loan was taken
What is your current rate of Interest
How many months you have paid Home loan emi
Name of the Bank Home loan taken
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  • Get free instant quote on Balance transfer from 4 Psu and 5 Private Banks.
  • Pick best Bank as per your requirement.
  • Rate as low as 8.35%.
  • The quote is totally free.
  • Save 2-7 lakhs by switching Home loan.
Home Loan Balance transfer need not only mean saving money, you can also utilize the same for investing in different options. After all securing a home loan is not the end of journey.  Balance transfer - by switching to another lender may give you a better deal. While a balance transfer will certainly reduce your EMI outgo, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for everybody. To know if it will help you, you need to decipher its workings and calculate the actual benefit before taking a call.
Home Loan Balance Transfer Calculator involves doing a simple math which in turn would save you from coughing up your hard earned money. All you need to do is mention your existing home loan rate and prepayment charges. Based on these informations, it gives you instant quote of four other bank rates as well and tells you how much you can save.

Below is the table which shows you how much you can save if you transfer your loan amount to the lowest offered bank. EMI calculated for 20 years repayment period.
Loan amount Old rates New Rates Old EMI New EMI You Save / Month
5 Lakh 9.10% 8.35% 4530 4292 Rs. 238
9 Lakh 9.10% 8.35% 8155 7725 Rs. 430
12 Lakh 9.10% 8.35% 10874 10300 Rs. 574
15 Lakh 9.10% 8.35% 13593 12875 Rs. 718
20 Lakh 9.10% 8.35% 18123 17167 Rs. 956
25 Lakh 9.10% 8.35% 22654 21459 Rs. 1195

Bank Name Interest Rate
State Bank Of India (SBI) 8.60% - 9.65%
ICICI Bank 9.00% - 9.10%
HDFC Bank 8.50% - 9.40%
LIC Housing 8.50% - 10.50%
Bank of Baroda 9.15% - 10.50%
AXIS Bank 8.60% - 9.05%
PNB Housing Finance 8.50% - 10.95%
DMI Housing Finance 12.00% - 18.00%
IDBI 8.75% - 12.25%
Union Bank of India 9.00% - 10.50%
Bank of India 8.65% - 10.75%
HSBC Bank 8.75% - 8.85%
Indian Bank NA
Federal Bank 10.15% - 10.30%
Canara Bank 8.90%- 11.25%
PNB Home Loan 8.75% - 10.95%
India Shelter Housing Finance 11.99%-18.00 %
GIC Housing Finance 8.45%
Shubham Housing Development Finance Company 10.90%
Loan Partners
SBI Home Loan
PNB Housing
ICICI Home Loans Bank of Baroda